Green Peace is a group which investigates and exposes those who are responsible for an “environmental crime”. They take action against these wrong doers and campaign for a “greener, more peaceful and equitable world”.
Right now they have three main campaigns: protecting ancient forests, protecting our oceans, and stopping global warming. On their website under these campaign descriptions, they have links describing how they help and how you can get involved with the cause. This simple user interface is important, because people find what they're looking for with ease and stay on Green Peace’s webpage.
Green Peace is also involved with social media too. On their homepage there is a huge “like us on facebook” text so people can spread the word that way. Green Peace also has a twitter but does not advertise it as much as their facebook page.
They also have a special section dedicated to journalists and press. They have a bunch of images and videos that journalists can use. The website makes it easy for journalists and media to get these stories and spread the word.
One fun thing that this company did was when they used social media to express their dislike for VW. The posted things on their blog and Facebook to make fun of VWs advertisments. At the time VW did not sign an tighter emissions document even though they stated they were an environmentally friendly company. Green Peace called them out and used social media to show their supporters. Through Green Peace’s pressure, VW eventually agreed to tighter emission standards.
Overall, Green Peace uses this social media wisely. These media outlets work to their advantage and they are able to spread their cause more efficiently.
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